Blog Posts


“It” all happened so fast. But we didn’t KNOW it was going to happen fast. We were digging our heels in for a long, drawn-out

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Do you have a vision of who you are? Is it positive or is it negative?What do you do when it’s both? I want to

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Doggie Dementia

Grover’s BackgroundI was fortunate to live with six different dogs throughout my life. Only one doggie seemed to have dementia issues, and that was my

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Oxygen Tubing…Everywhere

COPD and Need for OxygenCOPD: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Denny had that disease for many years. I don’t see online where anyone has found a

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Dementia Diagnosis…Finally!

This post continues listing other unusual symptoms that didn’t blatantly say “DEMENTIA!!!” to my clueless mind. My kids and I continued to think that Denny

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