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Dementia Diagnosis

Preliminary Ponderings A Great Book! I have been reading a book by David Brooks: “How to Know a Person”, that confirmed to me that I

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My Daddy

Daddy was being so helpful posing for this picture. I was learning to use the camera and new lens for a class I was taking, seeking to better my photography skills for my job. I was attempting to take my favorite kind of picture, where the lights in the background turn into “bokeh”–out of focus circles–while Daddy remained in good focus. Just look at that sweet face.

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I dealt with Jim Collins’ Stockdale Paradox in part in my second post. But his writing included another statement which I could see as fodder

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Pictured, Verna Hitchcock, left. The author (Betty Claire Hitchcock) on floor with baby (son Byron Hitchcock, born 1983).

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Stockdale Paradox

NOTE:  The following post was written shortly before my husband died on April 30, 2023. I have decided to post it as written, since it

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