What will life look like…because of the Stockdale Paradox?

I want to make a difference. I want my life to have a positive effect on others. How about you?

I have written and re-written this particular post, and finally decided I may need to change the “voice” I’m writing in. As I said in one of the first blog posts over a year ago, I am hoping for some company in my pursuits. If anyone is out there reading these posts, I’m hoping you are drawn in to learning some of these lessons of life with me. So, I will start using “WE” instead of “I” in some areas, though I don’t always feel it will be right to PRESUME you are all of the same sentiments. But including you on my path will help me not feel so alone! Thanks for joining me for upcoming adventures. Forgive me if I say “We” and you aren’t in agreement about something. I’ll try to be sensitive and use “I” when it might not be something all would agree with!!

Per last week’s blog, we should now know to “put our oxygen mask on first”, taking care of ourselves so that we can better assist others. With that important information in the forefront of our minds, we can now safely go back to review each blog post to look for the following particular takeaway:

What will life look like NOW
because of what was learned
in the particular post that we will be reviewing.

So, get your analytical skills ready as we now review the second post (June 11, 2023) where we originally looked at the “Stockdale Paradox”.

A. Takeaways from 6-22-23 Post
The takeaways are four-fold, uh…three-fold, woops…two-fold after re-reading that blog post. (I condensed most of the points into the #1 point!) …

  1. We Make Our Own Lives Better
    When We Make Others’ Lives Better…
    One Day at a Time

    In the 6/22/23 post, I had wanted to turn the caretaker role into a defining life event, making myself a better human, stepping up to be what is needed for another. Supporting that thought, I also cited the old Cat Stevens song “Morning has Broken” – loving that we have a chance every morning to start over. For me, that would be to better live the life I believe God is wanting me to live, i.e., to think of others more highly than myself. I might fail drastically on one day, but need to forgive self and remember that every day brings new opportunity.

    So my major takeaway from that post is, as I just stated: I believe I make my own life better when I am involved in making someone else’s life better. I am finding GREAT joy in that. All of us have new opportunity for such a pursuit with the dawn of each new day. I think I’ll put that song “Morning has Broken” as my wakey-uppy alarm each morning (next to the symbol of life balance: my newly acquired oxygen mask)…

  2. Find ways to get crucial info about dementia to others struggling with loved ones

    Also in that 6/11/23 post, I felt the need to get the info out to others about problems that can come with dementia that aren’t typically known, i.e., that the brain can stop controlling urination, etc. I also want to come alongside people who are struggling in such a caretaker role, encouraging and helping them through their very difficult journey.

B. What will life look like based on “A’s” Takeaways?
I envision being hypersensitive to what is said around me in regard to individuals’ problems and needs. I want to always carry a little notepad with me, write down the problem/need, and take 24 hours if necessary to consider if I have what it takes to meet that need.

I also envision getting to a place/position where I can share what I’ve learned through this trek of a blog with other folks. I remember how helpful the Dementia Support Group was that I had back home in Laramie. Perhaps I start or join a support group here in my area.

C. Conclusion
I would never have started “doing life” so INTENTIONALLY had it not been for this blog. Thank you, everyone who has been walking through my journey with me as I have been working out all that happened. I had no idea writing would help me process everything SO DEEPLY – and that it would lead to a totally different life than I would have expected. I am SO GRATEFUL for the lessons learned through this past year and beyond. Really thankful for daughter Teresa, who was the one with the idea for starting the blog, who knew enough to get it up and going, and who keeps egging me on to continue. Thank you, Teresa! This has been a lifesaver for me… indeed a “life finder”.

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